Straight-forward instructions do not exist to get you some places. Especially places to which you don’t know you are going. Sometimes the echoes in the cave will get you where you need to go. It got my paintings to the Creel-Harrison Gallery of the Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art in Augusta, Ga.
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Admittedly, I love parameters when creating work. A few defined rules, not too many, and then let the process ensue with continued questions of what more is needed in the mix.
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Riding down a hill on my bike was one of the most exhilarating moments for me as a kid. Coupled with that experience was pedaling to the top of said hill. So for every glide down a hill, there was effort in proportion to the joy.
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I asked a bookseller for a recommendation; they handed me American Gods by Neil Gaiman. I enjoyed it so much that I read the Afterward, where Neil thanked the band The Magnetic Fields for their album 69 Love Songs. This album seemed familiar and I realized I had the album in a stack of CDs I had received from a friend a little while back. Trusting this author’s taste, I gave the album a listen.
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I am almost a third of the way through visualizing the songs. Stay tuned for the release date in early September!
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So I built two panels, each 40x40 inches. I figured I would complete them simultaneously. Maybe they could be two sides of a dialogue. Just two perspectives from like-minded individuals...ergh, kinda. Here’s what happened...
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A peculiar truism for me…is that when I have a preconceived notion of what a work of art will be, it tends to lack a little something. Not necessarily sterile or vapid, just less impactful. The work which results from following my gut and being responsive to opportunities tends to have a more alluring aspect.
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Motivation is an intriguing aspect of art. It serves as the measure of the creator’s intent to determine the success of having achieved that or not. It can help to frame the experience of or for the viewer. Without knowing the intent of the artist, the work is left to stand on its own. My work had to stand on its own and had a wobbly stance.
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A visual narrative exists when a line of inquiry is recorded in the artifacts created through a series of moments. And as with any narrative, we may read it to experience a unique perspective. This is my invitation to you to read my visual narrative from my little corner of life.
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